
Canon IR-Adv C3525i Color Copier (Discontinue)

Canon IR-Adv C3525i Color copier

  • Kecepatan: 25 ppm
  • Layar sentuh intuitif 10.1 inci
  • Teknologi V2 Color
  • Tersedia 3-in-1 Finishers
  • Konektivitas, dan cetakan warna berkualitas
  • Memory 3.0GB RAM
  • Paper Capacity (A4, 80gsm) 1,200 Sheets
  • Paper Output Capacity (A4, 80gsm) 250 Sheets
  • Print Resolution Up to 1,200 x 1,200dpi

Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3520i dengan model facelift sederhana dan platform interface dan liver generasi 3

imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3525i Series

Sempurna untuk kantor yang ingin mengoptimalkan alur kerja dan menikmati cetakan warna berkualitas

Didesain untuk kelompok kerja atau perusahaan kecil dan menengah. Dirancang dengan intuitif, konektivitas, dan cetakan warna berkualitas, seri iR-ADV C3525i memberikan kinerja optimal untuk tempat kerja Anda.

frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>
Source: YouTube

Baca selengkapnya mengenai Managed Print Service (MPS)

TypeColour Laser Multifunctional
Core FunctionPrint, Copy, Scan, Send, Store and Optional Fax
ProcessorCanon Dual Custom Processor (Shared)
Control PanelStandard: 10.1 inch TFT LCD WSVGA Colour Touch Panel
MemoryStandard: 3.0GB RAM
Hard Disk DriveStandard: 250GB
Maximum: 1TB
Interface ConnectionNetworkStandard: 1000Base-T / 100Base-TX / 10Base-T, Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n)
Optional: NFC, Bluetooth
OthersStandard: USB 2.0 x 1 (Host), USB 3.0 x 1 (Host), USB 2.0 x1 (Device)
Optional: Serial Interface, Copy Control Interface
Paper Capacity (A4, 80gsm)Standard:1,200 Sheets
Maximum:2,300 Sheets
Paper Sources (A4, 80gsm)Standard:Two 550-sheet Paper Cassettes
100-sheet Multi-purpose tray
Two 550-sheet Paper Cassette
Maximum:2,300 Sheets
Paper Output Capacity (A4, 80gsm)Standard:250 Sheets
Maximum:3,450 Sheets
(With External Finisher and COPY TRAY-J2)
Finishing CapabilitiesStandard:Collate, Group
With Inner Finisher Option:Offset, Collate, Group, Staple, ECO-Staple, Staple-On Demand
With External Finisher Option:With External Finisher: Offset, Collate, Group, Staple, **Saddle Stitch, *Hole Punch, ECO-Staple, Staple-On Demand

* Necessary for 2/3/4 HOLE PUNCHER UNIT-A2
**Necessary for BOOKLET FINISHER-AA1 only

Supported Media TypesCassettes (1/2):Thin paper, Plain paper, Thick paper, Color paper, Recycled paper, Pre-punched paper, Transparency, Bond paper, Envelope
Multi Purpose TrayThin paper, Plain paper, Thick paper, Color paper, Recycled paper, Pre-punched paper, Transparency, Tracing paper, Label, Bond paper, Coated paper, Envelope
Cassette Feeding Unit-AP1:Thin paper, Plain paper, Thick paper, Color paper, Recycled paper, Pre-punched paper, Transparency, Bond paper

*Use only A4 transparencies made especially for multi-functional device

Supported Media SizesCassette 1:Standard size: A4, B5, A5R
Envelopes: No.10 (COM10), ISO-C5, DL
Custom Size: 139.7 x 182mm to 297 x 215.9mm
Cassette 2:Standard size: A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, A5R, Foolscap, India Legal, F4A, Envelopes (No. 10 (COM 10), Monarch, ISO-C5, DL),
Custom Size: 139.7 x 182mm to 304.8 x 457.2mm
CASSETTE FEEDING UNIT-AP1 (3/4):Standard size: A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5R, B5, A5R
Custom Size: 139.7 x 182mm to 304.8 x 457.2mm
Multi-Purpose Tray:Standard size: A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, A5, A5R, Foolscap, India Legal, F4A, Envelopes (No. 10 (COM 10), Monarch, ISO-C5, DL),
Custom size: 98.4 x 139.7mm to 320 x 457.2mm
Free size: 98.4 x 139.7mm to 320 x 457.2mm
Envelope custom size: 98 x 98mm to 320 x 457.2mm
Supported Media WeightsCASSETTES:52 to 220g/m2
MULTI-PURPOSE TRAY:52 to 300g/m2
DUPLEX:52 to 220g/m2
Warm-up TimeFrom Power On*:34 Seconds or Less

*Time between device power-on and when the start key is enabled (Force Hold Print)

From Deep Sleep Mode:10 Seconds or Less
Quick Startup Mode:4 seconds or less**

** If is set to “On”, it takes 4 seconds until the key operation on the touch panel display is available after turning on the main power of the machine. Depending on the situations, the machine does not startup quickly.

Dimensions (W x D x H)With SINGLE PASS DADF-A1:565 x 742 x 900mm
With DADF-AV1:565 x 736 x 880mm
Installation Space (W x D)Basic:978 x 1,123mm (attached with Multi-Purpose Tray open + Cassette Drawers open
Fully Configured:1,620 x 1,123mm (attached with BOOKLET FINISHER-AA1 + Multi-Purpose Tray extension extended)
Weight (Including the toner bottle)Approx. 68kg
Approx. 81.5kg (when attach with SINGLE PASS DADF-A1)
Approx. 76.2kg (when attach with DADF-AV1)
Print Specification
Printing MethodColour laser beam printing
Print SpeediR-ADV C3530i:30 / 30ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
iR-ADV C3525i:25 / 25ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
iR-ADV C3520i:20 / 20ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
Print ResolutionUp to 1,200 x 1,200dpi
Page Description LanguagesUFR II (Standard), PCL6 (Standard), Adobe PS 3 (Option)
Double Sided PrintingAutomatic (Standard)
Direct Print

Direct printing available from USB memory key, Advanced box, Remote UI and Web Access*
Supported File Types: PDF, TIFF, JPEG, XPS*Only PDF print from websites is supported.
FontsPCL fonts: 93 Roman, 10 Bitmap fonts, 2 OCR fonts, Andalé Mono WT J / K / S / T* (Japanese, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese), Barcode fonts**

PS fonts: 136 Roman
**Require optional BARCODE PRINTING KIT-D1

Operating SystemUFRII:Windows Vista / Server 2008 / Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 / Windows 10 / Server 2016, MAC OS X (10.7 or later)
PCL:Windows Vista / Server 2008 / Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 / Windows 10 / Server 2016
PS:Windows Vista / Server 2008 / Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 / Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 / Windows 10 / Server 2016, MAC OS X (10.7 or later)
PPD:MAC OS X (10.3.9 or later), Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows8.1 / Windows10
Copy Specification
Copy Speed (BW / Colour)iR-ADV C3530i:30 / 30ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
iR-ADV C3525i:25 / 25ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
iR-ADV C3520i:20 / 20ppm (A4) 15 / 15ppm (A3)
First-Copy-Out Time* (A4)
* 20ºC to 30ºC Environment
Approx. 5.9 / 8.2 seconds or less
Multiple CopiesUp to 999 copies
Copy ExposureAutomatic or Manual (9 Levels)
Magnification25% – 400% (1% Increments)
Preset Reductions25%, 50%, 70%, 81%, 86%
Preset Enlargements115%, 122%, 141%, 200%, 400%
Scan Specification
TypeSingle-pass Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder or Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder
Document Feeder Paper CapacitySINGLE PASS (SP) DADF-A1:150 Sheets (80g/m2)
DADF-AV1:100 Sheets (80g/m2)
Document Feeder Supported Media SizesSINGLE PASS DADF-A1:A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, A5, A5R, B6R
DADF-AV1:A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, A5, A5R, B6
Document Feeder Supported Media WeightsSINGLE PASS DADF-A1:
Single-sided scanning:38 to 157g/m2(BW)
64 to 157g/m2(CL)
Double-sided scanning:50 to 157g/m2(BW)
64 to 157g/m2(CL)
Single-sided scanning:38 to 128g/m2(BW)
64 to 128g/m2(CL)
Double-sided scanning:50 to 128g/m2(BW)
64 to 128g/m2(CL)
Pull Scan SpecColour Network ScanGear2. For both Twain and WIA
Supported OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10
Server 2008 / Server 2008 R2 / Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 / Server 2016
Scan Resolution100 x 100 dpi, 150 x 150 dpi, 200 x 100 dpi, 200 x 200 dpi, 200 x 400 dpi, 300 x 300 dpi, 400 x 400 dpi, 600 x 600 dpi
Platen Acceptable OriginalsPaper size: A3, A4, A4R, A5, A5R, B4, B5, B5R, B6
Scan Speed (A4)SP DADF-A1:
1-sided Scanning (BW):80ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
1-sided Scanning (Colour):80ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
2-sided Scanning (BW):160ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
2-sided Scanning (Colour):160ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
1-sided Scanning (BW):70ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
1-sided Scanning (Colour):70ipm (300dpi) / 51ipm (600dpi)
2-sided Scanning (BW):35ipm (300dpi) / 25.5ipm (600dpi)
2-sided Scanning (Colour):35ipm (300dpi) / 25.5ipm (600dpi)
Double sided scanning2-sided to 2-sided (Automatic)
Send Specification
Optional / standardStandard on all models
DestinationE-mail / Internet FAX (SMTP), SMB, FTP, WebDAV, Mail Box Simple, Super G3 FAX (Optional), IP Fax (Optional)
Colour ModeAutomatic-Colour Select (Full Colour / Grayscale), Automatic-Colour Select (Full Colour / Black-and-White), Full colour, Grayscale, and Black-and-White
Address BookLDAP (2,000) / Local (1,600) / One-touch (200)
Send Resolution100 x 100dpi, 150 x 150dpi, 200 x 100dpi, 200 x 200dpi, 200 x 400dpi, 300 x 300dpi, 400 x 400dpi, 600 x 600dpi
Communication ProtocolFile: FTP, SMB v3.0, WebDAV
E-mail / I-Fax: SMTP, POP3, I-Fax (Simple, Full)
File FormatStandard: TIFF, JPEG, PDF (Compact, Apply policy, Optimize for Web, PDF A/1-b, Encrypted), XPS (Compact), PDF / XPS (Digital Signature)
Optional: PDF (Searchable, Trace & Smooth), XPS (Searchable), Office Open XML (PowerPoint, Word)
Fax Specification
Optional / StandardOptional on all models
Maximum Number of Connection Lines2
Modem SpeedSuper G3: 33.6kbps / G3: 14.4kbps
Compression MethodMH, MR, MMR, JBIG
Resolution400 x 400dpi, 200 x 400dpi, 200 x 200dpi, 200 x 100dpi
Sending / Recording SizeA5R* to A3

* Sent as A4

FAX MemoryUp to 30,000 pages
Speed DialsMax. 200
Group Dials/DestinationsMax. 199 dials
Sequential BroadcastMax. 256 addresses
Memory BackupYes
Store Specification
Mail Box (Number supported)100 User Inboxes, 1 Memory RX Inbox, 50 Confidential Fax Inboxes 30,000 Maximum Pages Stored
Advanced BoxCommunication Protocol:SMB or WebDAV
Supported Client PC:Windows (Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10)
Concurrent Connections (Max.):SMB: 64, WebDAV: 3 (Active Sessions)
Advanced Box Available Disc SpaceApprox. 16GB (Standard HDD)
Approx. 480GB (1TB HDD)
Memory MediaStandard: USB Memory
Security Specification
AuthenticationStandard: Picture Login Authentication, User Authentication, Department ID Authentication, Device and Function Level Login, Access Management System
Optional: My Print Anywhere secure print (Requires uniFLOW)
DataStandard: Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Hard Disk Password Lock, Hard Disk Drive Erase, Hard Disk Drive Encryption (FIPS140-2 Validated), Mail Box Password Protection
Optional: Hard Disk Drive removal
NetworkStandard: IP / Mac Address Filtering, IPSEC, TLS Encrypted Communication, SNMP V3.0, IEEE 802.1X, IPv6, SMTP Authentication, POP Authentication before SMTP
DocumentStandard:Secure Print, Encrypted PDF, Encrypted Secure Print, Device signature, Secure Watermarks
Optional:User signature, Document Scan locking
Environmental Specifications
Operating EnvironmentTemperature:10 to 30 ºC
Humidity:20 to 80 % RH (no condensation)
Power Requirements220 – 240V (±10 %) , 50 / 60Hz (±2Hz), 4.0A
Power ConsumptionMaximum:1.5kW
Standby:Approx. 41.2W*
Sleep mode:Approx. 0.8W **
* Reference Value
** 0.8W sleep mode is not available in all circumstances due to certain settings.

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